
Yes, it can be fun!

It takes a lot to keep a chorus growing and singing! Here are some relatively painless ways you can help! 

BIDDING FOR GOOD ONLINE AUCTION (A special activity to help us get to GALA Festival in JUly)
Our last online auction for this current year is in full swing now through February 10. Check out some specially curated gift baskets with one-of-a-kind themes, wonderful arts and crafts items , and merchant certificates donated by some of our fans. This event closes on February 10, and we will be adding new items until that date. So, cruise on over to the Chorus' auction website, using your browser or phone to see and bid on what catches your eye!

Turquoise Trail Performing Arts is a non-profit 401 (c) 3 dba NMWC. Donations are something we are always grateful for, but in this economy, they are even more important to enable us to keep our voice strong, and to continue promoting the values of social justice and feminism with our diverse group in the community.

Smith's Community Rewards Program
We are a part of the Smith's Community Rewards Program! All you have to do is your normal shopping! You do need to register online at with your registered Smith's rewards card account to link to NMWC, if you don;t have this yet, they are available at the custmer service desk at any Smith's. Then you will create your on-line account verifying your email, and rewards card number,? and choosing NMWC (#94473) to support by shopping!

Ever do online shopping or searching? Then here's another painless way you can support NMWC! GoodSearch is a search engine similar to Google. If you use GoodSearch and select NMWC as your charity, we receive 1 penny for every internet  search you do. Free money! Go to and under "Who do you GoodSearch for?" enter New Mexio Women's Chorus and select us from the list (we'll show up as "Turquoise Trail Performing Arts-New Mexico Women's Chorus"). GoodShop is a site that offers a  % of online store sales to the selected charity-the holidays are coming-if you do online shopping-go through this site and help NMWC keep singing for you!

Copyright © 2025 New Mexico Women's Chorus